
“Freedom is being fearless to be who you want to be.”

Born and raised in Italy, Lucia Lattanzio’s artistic journey began after a transformative experience ignited a passion for creation. Art became a powerful tool for healing and expression, allowing her to find resilience and profound hope in the face of adversity – a theme that resonates throughout her work.

A life-changing event involving the loss of her work led Lucia to a new perspective and a growing interest in the world of art. This shift culminated in her first major project, “The Messenger,” a large-scale stippling piece depicting an angel. Inspired by her personal struggles, the piece serves as an encouragement to find beauty in all experiences, cherish life’s gifts, and choose love and resilience in the face of challenges. Through “The Messenger,” Lucia strives to convey a message of hope, gratitude, and the enduring power of the human spirit.

Modernity and versatility define Lucia’s artistic style. She seamlessly blends abstract and fine art forms, creating a captivating fusion of contemporary aesthetics. A true explorer, Lucia thrives on wielding a diverse range of techniques, from abstract forms to meticulously crafted fine art pieces. This versatility allows her to tailor her message to the medium, employing bold colors, minimalist shapes, or a harmonious fusion of both.

Lucia’s signature “Silver Lining” Collection perfectly exemplifies this central theme. The collection utilizes captivating color-shifting techniques, colors that shimmer and shift, evoking a sense of change, and intricate lace patterns, a symbolic representation of the ever-present duality of light and darkness in life. Each piece serves as an invitation to discover the glimmer of positivity that exists even amidst the most challenging times. Driven by a desire to find beauty in both positive and negative aspects of life, Lucia creates meaningful narratives through her art. She believes that hardship fosters growth and strength, a perspective that is deeply reflected in her work.

Inspiration flows freely for Lucia, drawn from the rich tapestry of life itself – the good, the bad, the ordinary, and the extraordinary. Her art aspires to uplift and energize viewers, prompting introspection and fresh perspectives. Whether through thought-provoking conceptual pieces or emotionally evocative colors and abstracts, Lucia’s ultimate goal is to spark inspiration and empower others. This desire for connection fuels her artistic expression, fostering positive change and leaving a lasting impact with art that transmits good vibes.


Explore her artwork, please follow and support her work.

Dallas Skyline Collection
Silver Lining Collection
The Messenger